That's right, I'm gonna share with all of you (readers) about my current feelings #maybe
First time I've read it, it makes me wanna read it again (w/true emotional feelings of me)
She told exactly, from A to Z (the way she's explained her first love in her new school)
She explained it clearly, in a creative ways (with a beautiful words of her's)
With different names, but it's characteristics, were in the same way & same path
Sadly, time's changed faster than ever. And,
I just wanna know girl, "Where u at???" #Tyg
I'm a bit desperated/frustrated/sad & I've had to accept the fact
That I'm here & she's there, so I'm already gone (by now) #KC
But, one thing that you should've know about me
"Nan mulppunin babo & Love's such painful, but it's beautiful (same as you)" :") #GD
It's a little bit harder for me to move on easily, even 1000 words couldn't describe it briefly
"Cause your like a caffeine", for me #Yoseob
Now, I've had to keep moving forward
With, or without you
Hope you'll read this & "you're just the best, I've ever had" #VH
Also, I'm still couldn't move from your mind (even an inch)
Though, I'm not that 100% moved on & its not easy, to be me #Smallville
I'm always hope, that you'll always remembered these unforgettable moments we've shared before
"Because I'm shadow, shadow, shadow" #B2ST
* NB: Hope, you're always cheerful/healthy/stay strong (with/without me). Also, God protects you & remembered you as one His people in heaven. #EnoughSaid :") *
Muzique Lists
Monday, 19 August 2013
Sunday, 18 August 2013
Singing, Nasheeds, an Islamic Perspective (In My Opinion, Of Course!) :D
Due to previous videos I've shared on this blog, I'll explain as far as I can do #Inshallah :3
Okay, this is a not-so-serious issue actually (for me) :D
First of all, singing's not haram (back then)
In a prophet of the last prophet (Muhammad SAW, pbuh)
Music's not haram, eventhough it's recommended
People at that time, that celebrates a couple who wants to get married
Anshar people loved to sing to praised them (the couple)
It's called "Gazal", btw
So, what I mean is
Musics are came from mubah (good), it also could've been makruh (shouldn't have to), even it would've been haram (prohibited)
According to Prof. Dr. Yusuf Al-Qardhawi
There are 5 characteristics, that what makes a music (whether it's good/bad).
1) Lyrics: Good lyrics (Religious/Qasidah/etc.) & Bad lyrics (Shirk/Adultery/etc.)
2) Music Backgrounds: Musicians shouldn't use a music, that could stimulate the syahwat nafs (bad intention)
3) Waste of money: (e.g.) Only paid high (RM 30000), just for 1 song / 2 songs
4) Presentation on Singing: The singer must be polite, not singing w/high tones, or jump out everywhere (in stage)
5) Background Dancers/Singers: Men & Women are separated to do it (cannot mix together!)
That's what I wanna share with you today, everyone! #EnoughSaid ^_^
* NB: Correct me IF I'm wrong, because the right one's came from Almighty God & hope I could share more info with anyone, who reads my blog of course #Jazakallah :D *
Saturday, 17 August 2013
Farewell Ramadhan & Welcome Syawal :")
There are 2 feelings of my heart, that describes these holy months: Happy & Sad :3
Happy b'cos I've got "Duit Raya/THR" & Sad, b'cos of true enemy is back for business (Read: Shaytan) :/
If every single second, minute, hour, day, night, week, a year, even a century is Ramadhan
It would've been a very good news to me & muslims all over the world :D
So, my feeling's the same as the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) & his companions (Shahaba) ^_^
Even, the good deed reward's multiple times than usual :)
And Shaytan, it's always been locked up in hell! ;)
But, God's fate already decided (since the beginning)
That, Ramadhan's only a VIP guest (in Islamic calendar)
And Syawal's how we celebrate it, after fasting fardhu (for almost/or even, a month)
However, this is only what I feel about it
How about you, bro & sis? (specially muslim bro/sis)
Do you feel the same way too? :/
If yes, it's Alhamdulillah for me & u're still a human! :D
Finally, I wanna share with you guys
Video link below, about Bunkface's latest single hits
Malaysian's best Indie rock band ever
This one's called "Anugerah Syawal" (acoustic version"
Enjoy, all & happy Eid Mubarak everyone!
Minal aidzin wal faidzin, forgive me if I'm wrong
From: Ayyub .A & family ^_^
Happy b'cos I've got "Duit Raya/THR" & Sad, b'cos of true enemy is back for business (Read: Shaytan) :/
If every single second, minute, hour, day, night, week, a year, even a century is Ramadhan
It would've been a very good news to me & muslims all over the world :D
So, my feeling's the same as the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) & his companions (Shahaba) ^_^
Even, the good deed reward's multiple times than usual :)
And Shaytan, it's always been locked up in hell! ;)
But, God's fate already decided (since the beginning)
That, Ramadhan's only a VIP guest (in Islamic calendar)
And Syawal's how we celebrate it, after fasting fardhu (for almost/or even, a month)
However, this is only what I feel about it
How about you, bro & sis? (specially muslim bro/sis)
Do you feel the same way too? :/
If yes, it's Alhamdulillah for me & u're still a human! :D
Finally, I wanna share with you guys
Video link below, about Bunkface's latest single hits
Malaysian's best Indie rock band ever
This one's called "Anugerah Syawal" (acoustic version"
Enjoy, all & happy Eid Mubarak everyone!
Minal aidzin wal faidzin, forgive me if I'm wrong
From: Ayyub .A & family ^_^
Knowledge, Steadfassness, & Prayers: It's a True Virtue! :D
From MATH: I've learned how to gain REWARDS with my LOGICAL thinking
From PHYSICS: I've learned that, every ACTIONS has it's REACTIONS
From CHEMISTRY: I've learned that, every SMALL DEEDS has it's BIG REWARDS (vice versa)
From BIOLOGY: I've learned that, BIOTICS & ABIOTICS (Almighty God's beautiful creatures, SUBHANALLAH!)
From ITC: I've learned how to DA'WAH ONLINE (Distributes the facts throughout social networks)
From ARTS & CRAFTS: I've learned how to DA'WAH CREATIVELY (Spreads the truths with an artistic ways)
From PHYSICAL EDUCATION: I've learned how to be a STRONG person (specially as a MOSLEM)
From CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION: I've learned how to OBEYS the RULES around the world
From LANGUAGES EDUCATION (eng/man/indo/etc.): I've learned how to COMMUNICATE with PEOPLE from all around the world, with different characters & family backgrounds
From HISTORY: I've learned from my MISTAKES, and how to MOVE ON from it (to be a BETTER PERSON)
From COUNSELING EDUCATION: I've learned how to act like a VIRTUOUS person (to be a NOBLE moslem), for a better & my promising FUTURE (inshallah)
It takes a long time to BUILD, STRENGTHEN, & PROTECTS it from the ENEMIES of the DEVILS (misleading/wrongdoers/etc.). I've been VERY PROUD as in ISKL/SIKL students for 8 years (4 - 6 ES, 7 - 9 JHS, 10 - 12 SHS), with 4 different headmasters (2005, 2006, 2009, 2012). I'm also PROUD to be a PIONEER SCIENTIST of ISLAM, at this MODERN ERA (inshallah). Now, it's my time to RISE & SHINE in a REAL WORLD, with REAL PEOPLE (from all over the world). 3 Keys to be a real success person: Knowledge, Steadfassness, & Prayers. Alhamdulillah & Thank you all, Jazakallah Khair! :")
* NB: This notes I've made, after finished senior high school recently #Alhamdulillah ^_^ *
Hidup di dunia
Mati di akhirat
Janji itu pasti
Target itu rajin
Rajin pangkal pandai
Malas pangkal bodoh
Waktu begitu cepat
Ibadah begitu yakin
Yakin karena amal soleh
Amal soleh karena niat baik
Baik dahulu, itu mottoku
Mottoku lancar, itu karena Yang Maha Esa
Dewasa ini, diriku sekarang
Diriku sekarang ini, ada kamu
Kamu kini menemaniku
Menjadi sandaran hatiku
Membantu menjalani hidup kita
Suka dan duka, pasti diterima bersama
Suratku untuk "GENG VILTRA"
Siapa bilang kalau orang Melayu dan Indonesia susah berteman? Pertanyaan ini membuatku teringat masa kecilku, ketika aku masih baru di Kuala Lumpur. Waktu itu, aku baru kelas 4 SD di SIK dan juga baru tinggal di Villa Putra. Tetapi aku bersyukur karena ketika itu aku sudah mempunyai cukup banyak kenalan baru.
Disaat itu, aku berteman dengan banyak anak Melayu asli dan sebagiannya lagi ialah anak Garuda SIK. Arvel, Vito, Atta, Luthfan, Edo, Wiki, dan banyak lagi anak Garuda SIK yang setempat denganku. Manakala teman Melayuku juga banyak. Amir, Anuar, Asri, dan juga Azhar yang kukenal lebih dahulu sebagai saudara baruku, disamping dengan saudara baruku dari Garuda SIK.
Kami dulunya sering bermain futsal, petak umpet, bola gebok, kasti, badminton, berenang, dan juga tenis.
Terkadang kami merasa sangat gembira untuk bisa bermain banyak macam permainan olahraga. Hampir semua olahraga yang kami suka bermain ditempat yang sama, yaitu di lantai M yang ada playground dan kolam renangnya. Semua permainan olahraga yang kami bermain bersama, kecuali badminton, kasti, berenang, dan tenis.
Keempat olahraga tersebut ada lapangannya sendiri. Khas untuk kasti, terkadang kami bermain di lantai M dan juga di lapangan tenis. Saking enaknya bermain, kami sekumpulan sering ditegur dengan satpam kondo karena sering kejatuhan bola dari lantai M. Yang kami bisa lakukan hanyalah acuh tak acuh alias kabur bin cabut segera atau tidak, kami juga saling menyalahkan sesama sendiri. Maklum anak kecil, tidak tahu apa-apa.
Kini, waktu berjalan begitu cepat dan semakin aku naik kelas, pasti ada saja satu atau dua orang yang pindah. Mulai dari kak Arvel dan sekeluarganya yang lebih dahulu, kemudian kak Atta sekeluarga, dan terus banyak yang pindah, sampai hari akhirku di Villa Putra. Ketika aku duduk dibangku kelas 7 SMP, tibalah Edo satu-satunya saudara akrabku selain Lino yang juga harus menjadi yang terakhir untuk meninggalkanku.
Aku dan Edo sering bersenda gurau hampir tiap hari. Di sekolah, di rumah, waktu main, bahkan solatpun kami sempat bercanda sehingga solat kamipun kurang fokus dan sempurna disisi Ilahi Rabbi. Namun dia saat ini sudah di negara lain, karena tujuan bertemu itu adalah untuk berpisah, seperti kata kepala sekolahku yang hebat di SIK ini. Dan aku masih bersyukur karena masih bisa berhubung dengannya sampai sekarang.
Akhirnya, setiap kali aku melihat bangunan Villa Putra dari luar, yang bermain didalam ingatanku hanyalah memori suka dan duka di masa kecilku itu. Aku yakin, banyak dari mereka yang pindah ke tempat yang lebih baik dari sini dan menjadi orang yang sukses seperti aku, kelak di hari tua. Oleh karena itu, maafkanlah diriku jika ada salah dengan kalian semua dan perkenankanlah aku untuk menyebut trademark resmi ini, "GENG VILTRA" (Geng Villa Putra). Itulah nama otentik dan ofisial kita sebagai "Laskar Pelangi" nya "Villa Putra. Salam hormatku, Ayyub :'D
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