There are 2 feelings of my heart, that describes these holy months: Happy & Sad :3
Happy b'cos I've got "Duit Raya/THR" & Sad, b'cos of true enemy is back for business (Read: Shaytan) :/
If every single second, minute, hour, day, night, week, a year, even a century is Ramadhan
It would've been a very good news to me & muslims all over the world :D
So, my feeling's the same as the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) & his companions (Shahaba) ^_^
Even, the good deed reward's multiple times than usual :)
And Shaytan, it's always been locked up in hell! ;)
But, God's fate already decided (since the beginning)
That, Ramadhan's only a VIP guest (in Islamic calendar)
And Syawal's how we celebrate it, after fasting fardhu (for almost/or even, a month)
However, this is only what I feel about it
How about you, bro & sis? (specially muslim bro/sis)
Do you feel the same way too? :/
If yes, it's Alhamdulillah for me & u're still a human! :D
Finally, I wanna share with you guys
Video link below, about Bunkface's latest single hits
Malaysian's best Indie rock band ever
This one's called "Anugerah Syawal" (acoustic version"
Enjoy, all & happy Eid Mubarak everyone!
Minal aidzin wal faidzin, forgive me if I'm wrong
From: Ayyub .A & family ^_^
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